Latest update from 24-7 Prayer

This last year has flown by with my work at 24-7 Prayer.  God continues to expand the work of the 24-7 Prayer movement, for which we are all deeply thankful!

I’m very aware of the need for support of our work through prayer.  In the midst of natural disasters and global financial panic, Jesus is still at work, and we need to be listening and asking Him for His strategies in everything we’re doing.

If you have a few moments, please have a read of my latest supporter newsletter and join me in prayer.  Thank you so much for your time!

And finally, if you’d like to
go onto my list of supporters to make sure you get these hot off the
press in future, please just send me a message by filling in the form here.

New Supporter Newsletter

24-7 Prayer continues to be a major part of my life, and God certainly doesn’t seem finshed with this amazing movement of prayer yet!  As you can see in the latest edition of my supporters newsletter,God is at work in many peoples lives, even in the midst of all the bad news we keep seeing on our television screens.  There is hope!

If you’d like to read a little of what I get up to, be encouraged by
what God is doing, and perhaps even join me in praying for my work with
24-7, please do download the pdf via the link.

If you’d like to
go onto my list of supporters to make sure you get these hot off the
press in future, please just send me a message by filling in the form here.

Latest Supporter Newsletter


Life at 24-7 Prayer was particularly busy last year, as you can see in the latest edition of my supporters newsletter. If you’d like to read a little of what I get up to, be encouraged by what God is doing, and perhaps even join me in praying for my work with 24-7, please do download the pdf via the link.

If you’d like to go onto my list of supporters to make sure you get these hot off the press in future, please just send me a message by filling in the form here.  Thanks!