Mine’s a ribeye!

Rib-eye-steak.gifI’m currently sat in the ‘board room’ of a coffee shop in downtown Kansas City, as Andy Freeman is taking the International 24-7 Board through his Communities/Boiler Rooms report.  We had a great day yesterday, with lots of agreement about the way forward in all the areas we discussed.  Exciting times are ahead!

We went out for dinner last night in a wonderful steak house, and the food and accompanying jazz were both great.  The highlight of the evening however was the impact that God made on the proceedings.  As we sat and enjoyed our meal Adam Cox, the leader  of Kansas City Boiler Room, had a recurring prophetic vision for one of the people on our table.  It was totally cool to be around!  As he spoke out what he had been given, it was wonderful to see the Holy Spirit at work.  I love that this stuff was all happening in the middle of a restaurant!

Back to today, and I’m about to deliver my report on finances to the board, the trustees and the International Leadership Team.  We have some hard decisions to make about the future as we need to make some cuts in what we’re doing over the next few months.  We do have some promising developments in funding, but we need to live in the tension between our current resources and our future potential – please pray for us as we go through this decision process.

In all of this I keep being reminded that God has never let us down yet on funding.  I’m so thankful for His faithfulness. To Him be the glory!

Big Conversations in the US!

kansas-city.jpgI currently have the privilege of being in the States with the rest of the 24-7 Prayer International Team.  We’re in Kansas city, and over the next couple of days we have some pretty crucial meetings about the future of the movement.  We’re looking at such weighty topics as the movement’s calling to the (re-)evangelisation of Europe, what it means to be the 24-7 network and what that means for how we structure ourselves, how we bring justice into everything we do, and plans for our 10th anniversary gatherings.

Please would you pray for us as we meet. There’s obviously quite a lot of pressure to get through the agenda, but there’s also a real desire for us to have healthy relationships too – there’s no point in just blasting on ahead with things without hearing each other’s heart and processing any disagreements on the way ahead.

Thanks for your prayers.  I’ll try and post some updates over the next couple of days.
