
Just had a great time at the latest 24-7 UK network day in Brum (Birmingham to foreign readers!). Phil Togwell had done his usual fantastic job of gathering people from all over the UK, and around 60 of us had a great time catcihng up and sharing about what God is doing all over our nations through 24-7. Andy Freeman shared about being a witness and 24-7 Communities, with some difficult messages about the costliness of testifying to our faith, and I had a great time catching up With Lyndall Bywater from the Salvation Army, talking about how we run 24-7 both now and in the future. For those that don’t know Lyndall, she has an amazing insight for all things organisational, and she really helped me think through some of the challenges that we have in organising ourselves in 24-7 – or trying to at least!
All in all a great day, happy memories and really useful too!