Northward Bound

map.jpgThis week turned out to be a bit manic for travelling. It started with a quick trip down the road to Guildford after our Boiler Room prayer time here in Reading. Phil Evans, Cally Gee, Carla Trundle (top 24-7 types one and all!) and myself were catching up on delegate details for the mission festival 24-7 are organising this year, called ‘Transmission’. Its getting to that exciting and scary stage – exciting in anticipation of a fantastic time of God speaking and transforming peoples lives, and scary as we understand the organisation involved in putting together something bigger than 24-7 has ever pulled off before!

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Reading Boiler Room Launches

cavbap.jpgWe gathered on Saturday evening at Cav Baptist rather tired from a frantic couple of weeks trying to get the new Reading Boiler Room fit for people to come and pray in. Through the tiredness though, there was a distinct sense of expectation. We were relaunching, celebrating the new place God had given us to be, and expectant that he was going to speak.

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Reading 24-7

It’s been a while since I’ve been writing this kind of thing through the achy eyes of a 24-7 Prayer rota duty manager. There really isn’t anything quite like a week of 24-7 Prayer to exhaust and electrify all at the same time! The new Reading Boiler Room has been open almost a week now, and the walls are crying out with praises and petitions to Jesus. Pieces on identity, God’s faithfulness, and heart felt cries for friends, families, and whole towns, where we desperately need to see Him move in power.
There’s not much left of our week of prayer now, and we’ve got the fatigue and elation to show for it! If you’d like to join us, the rota will run until 21:00 Saturday evening, and you can check out the remaining available slots here.
Lord, continue to reveal yourself to your people…