Car car no car…

I’ve been lucky enough over the past year and a half, to have had the privilege of looking after Ashley the Astra, a car loaned to me by friends Dave and Thea Green.
They’re coming back from Thailand soon, and so I’ll be returning Ashley to her rightful owners in May. I’d been thinking about what my future transport situation would be the other day, when I went through the following rather amusing situation.
First I was told that there may well be an opportunity for me to use a friend’s beat up old Metro for a while. While I was investigating that option, I was offered an old Cavalier from the end of March, fully MOT’d and ready to go. Of course I said yes! A few hours later, that offer had to be withdrawn due to an earlier miscommunication with another person. Then the metro option fell through as well.
All within 24 hours. Car, car, no car 😉
Maybe I’ll be using the old shoe leather more after all!

Standing Room Only

bish.jpgLast weekend we saw something you don’t see in many churches in the UK these days. The place was packed!
For the last year or so, Baptism and Christening services at my home church, Grayfriars, have been standing room only affairs. This particular weekend saw 25 people being confirmed from several congregations across Reading. I always love this kind of service, as the body of Christ welcomes new members as they publicly profess their faith. We’ve taken to having times of testimony during the ceremony, and I’m so encouraged to hear the individual stories of God at work in people’s lives.

Continue reading Standing Room Only

Reaching out

greyfriars-today.jpgThis entry was supposed to be an update on what’s happened so far this year, but if I wait until I have chance to get around to that, I’ll never write anything!
This weekend I was asked to share at church about an outreach we did the weekend before, and it got me thinking about how God spoke to me in what we were doing. For those that don’t know, Greyfriars is a town centre church, and we’re fantastically positioned for being able to reach out to those who come into the town centre to shop.
As I pondered, I think the biggest thing that struck me was how God blesses what we’re doing when we work together as the body of Christ.

Continue reading Reaching out