Prayer TIme!

24-7-globe.gifWell, it looks like we’re a go for our next 24-7 prayer week in Reading, in the first week of February.

I so missed not being able to be in the prayer room as much as I would have liked last time, that this time around I’m going to organise my diary around the prayer week rather than visa versa!

If you’re in the neighbourhood, please do pop in and have an amazing encounter with God.  Details are on our prayer community webpage.

Upgrade Complete!

Well, that was a pretty painless process – for now at least.  Hopefully the beautiful new interface and functionality of my new MT4 blogging software will:

a) be a more pleasurable experience for you, the reader, and
b) result in more entries on the blog from me!

I guess we’ll see over the next month or so…

…the next test wil be how well it deals with comment spam, and how easy it is to upgrade the template to something more ‘curvified’.

Biting the bullet

I’m finally biting the bullet and upgrading to MT4 today.
If you view my site using an RSS reader, you may experience some replication of posts due to my chosen upgrade path, so sorry about that – the two versions of MT I’m using are significantly different, so it makes sense to start from scratch, rather than try to upgrade the existing installation.
If all of that means nothing to you, then just sit back and enjoy the new MT4 experience!

Making a difference

We’ve all seen the news. You can’t help but be shocked by what’s currently going on in South Asia.
It seems that last night the generosity of the general public in the UK outstripped that of our government. Over £50mln has been donated so far. I guess that only makes a small dent in the problems of reconstruction and healthcare though, so please make a pledge today. There are many places to do so, and the one I’ve used in the UK is Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC). If you’re a UK taxpayer your gift can be made tax efficient, and the member agencies include organisations such as Tearfund and World Vision.
You can click on the graphic below to be taken to the website.
Pray for the survivors as they try to reconstruct their lives. They need our prayers as much as our money.