ILG 05

toggers.jpgAnd then there was – the ILG. ILG stands for ‘International Leaders Gathering’, where we grow from the small group of decision makers at the Roundtable, up to around 150 people who are involved in the 24-7 movement from all around the globe. Highlights for me this year include spending some time with co-conspirators from Portland DHOP, in Oregon USA, and sharing a couple of meals with Pete Worthington and Ben Hull.

Pete is our head Web guy and is on 24-7’s leadership team, and Ben works on the website. They were both having a nightmare with some video presentations they were putting together for the RT and ILG, so it was great to be able to spend a little time with them, and hopefully help them de-stress a bit! It was also great to be able to connect with a few leaders in the movement to help them work through issues relevant to their particular areas of work, whether that be leading a 24-7 base in a nation, or leading a mission team. Dresden is also a fantastic city, with a very creative spirit to it, which probably was a significant contributor to the fact that most nights I didn’t get to bed before 2am!
This year we seemed to struggle a bit about whether the ILG is a place to connect with each other, or more of a conference. We had some top quality speakers with us for the three days, but I found myself switching off at the end of the first full day. I think its more of an indication of where I’m at personally than anything else. I’m tired of going to conferences where people are encouraging me to do this or that, when really, I know exactly what I need to do. I need more of Christ in my life daily. I need to get off my behind and do the things that I believe God has called me to. And even when those things aren’t specific words for my life right now, its a significant challenge to come back to the three things that I know my faith is all about – to love God, to love others, and to take the gospel to the nations. I guess I know where my major challenge is right now. I just need to live the basics of being a follower of the son of God.
Please Lord, help me!

2 thoughts on “ILG 05”

  1. glad to know we all continue to be one of your highlights 🙂 you are a highlight to us as well! It was great to see you Pete even for just a short time….and uh, sorry we did not make back to Berlin before sleep caught up with you….we, er…uh…, had a slight delay that seemed unavoidable at the time….hmmmm. I do have to say I was a bit disappointed you were not awake seeing as how we drove across an ENTIRE COUNTRY in one night to get to you. ah well.

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