Just had a great weekend in Oxford with my cell group from church. We’d hired out a rather swanky room in a hotel in the centre of the city to go through the Myers Briggs Type Indicator material. For those of you who wonder what on earth I’m talking about, Myers Briggs is a world renowned tool that helps people to understand their psychological preferences, and how they relate to people of different psychological types.
I’d been through the MBTI material at least twice before, as part of my business training, and although I could remember my type (INTJ, for those familiar with the profiles), I found it really helpful to look at the material again, particularly the sections on relating to people of other types. Katy, one of the members of the group, is trained in taking people through the material, and she did a fantastic job of explaining it all to us.
The weekend wasn’t all about being couped up in a conference room, and Oxford had plenty to keep us occupied – a curry on the Saturday evening, church on Sunday morning, listening to Gordon Hicksons second sermon in his new position at St. Aldates (v. challenging!), followed by a beatiful picnic on the banks of the river before a wander around town in the sun.
All this was topped and tailed with a trip to see Kitty, a friend from Reading now living in Oxford, and a slight detour to Princes Risborough to see my brother and his wife before heading home.
What a fantastic way to spend a weekend! More pictures here.
INTJ huh, i can see that. i’m not sure what i am. i always X out on the I/E and P/J. i wonder if i took again if i’d be completely different. that’s cool that you were able to catch up with the Hicksons. so they’ve left the London area?
i’ve taken the test at least 4 if not 5 times in group settings to facilitate team building and anticipate team dynamics. the books say that INTJs and ENTJs each represent 5% of the population. so i’ve found it interesting that the majority of the people with whom i’ve taken the tests end up being either INTJ or ENTJ. this makes them the intuiters and feelers. maybe these types are really the only types that are willing to sit down to take the test or even care about group dynamics. ever wonder?….
i went through this once, about 3 years ago. i don’t remember what i was…just that it confirmed i’m touchy-feely. like i needed a test to find out i’m a sap.
wait did i say i was either INTJ or ENTJ no, no, no. i’m an inFj or enFj or infP or enfJ. does that clear things up ;-)? its still only seems like the intuiters (N’s) that seem to have any interest in these kinds of tests. however, my folks took it some years ago and my dad was a strong ISTJ (completely opposite me). we had an interesting discussion because of it. the poor man was left understanding me even less. sigh….
I’d say your one is pretty accurate -I’m ENFP
accuracy doesn’t really describe ENFP’s or INFP’s 😉
we did this test recently with my church–there is actually a version online somewhere you can take rather easily. I used to be Enfp, now I am Infp. Once an extrovert, now an introvert. What does that say about my experience with people?? 🙂 or maybe I just prefer my time with the Lord even more these days…hmmm or maybe it is just the result of having 3 very talkative children. My husband is ESTJ. complete opposite. makes life interesting.
i just found an online one. hardly the same, but this is it…
and here’s what it gave me…ESFJ
sheena – you are not an ESFJ. maybe an E, maybe a J, but not an S. you are an intuiter which i N. just my two bits if you care.
sometimes people can be borderline on a particular quality – interestingly 10 years ago I was an INTJ!
i think you’re right, kathleen. i retook the little online one came out ENFJ. i read the various descriptions of an ENFJ and they rang much more true with me.
wow pete, the spammers really like you.
The spam is no more! I love movable type :-)#