Maundy Thursday Meditation

candle_home.JPGOur church had a really inspiring time recently, with the Maundy Thursday service I helped to prepare.  Several of us from the Greyfriars and New Hope congregations helped to put together our communion service, including the creative prayer time that was at its centre.  As we considered the events of the Last Supper and Gethsemane, we focussed on what it means to serve and to be served, and on the ways in which Jesus fulfilled the signs that are remembered during the passover meal.

(You’ll need to download Microsoft’s Silverlight Player to see the video above)

My main contribution to the service was the video above, which I thoroughly enjoyed creating.  24-7 Prayer
has taught me a lot about creativity in prayer and worship, and
hopefully the video helped those at the service to engage with the
prayer time during the evening.  I hope you enjoy it too!

My one
regret about the evening was not being able to do a proper leaflet
explaining where the pictures were taken (the credits were added
later).  All the shots were taken by me, and were taken in the places
listed below:

  1. 24-7 Prayer Network Day, Liverpool
  2. 24-7 Roundtable, Seville, Spain
  3. Statue of St. Aidan, Holy Island
  4. Highway 120, California, on the way to Yosemite National Park, USA
  5. Candle, taken at home
  6. Dove, the Tree of Life, Sagrada Famila, Barcelona, Spain
  7. Capetown stroll, South Africa
  8. Pacific Northwest Coast, Near Portland, USA
  9. Angel of the North, Gateshead
  10. Cross, St Cuthbert’s Isle, Holy Island
  11. Prayer and Worship evening, Grayfriars
  12. Greyfriars Family Day Service, at Rushall Farm

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