The sign

ForburyRainbowMedium.jpgI don’t know if I’ve mentioned it here before, but I’ve recently felt God calling me to start praying again down at the Abbey ruins here in Reading.  So, right near the spot where we opened the Reading Boiler Room back in 2001, I’ve been lifting the people of my town to God, in prayer.

At first sight yesterday was not the day to be out in the open praying.  Rain was pouring out of the sky as rapidly as it could, but as Shirley and I stood praying, we were party to a magnificent rainbow.

I’d been reading Noah’s story in Genesis that morning, and as we prayed, it was wonderful to be reminded of God’s covenant with all living things.  We thanked Him, and prayed He would look on the people of Reading with a merciful heart.

One thought on “The sign”

  1. You and rainbows!
    Do you remember a few years back me telling you about when I would drive to work and pray for people as I drove, and how there were so many times I saw rainbows when I prayed for you? I have never seen so many ranbows (before or since) as I did that winter and spring, and literally every time I saw one I just happened to be praying for you. It was pretty crazy.
    Can we go pray at the Abbey ruins when I’m there? That place is amazing. I love the sense you get when you walk through that it’s a place God still likes to hang out.

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