In less than a week’s time, we’re going to be having what could be a very strategic meeting for 24-7 Prayer.
We’re gathering with some key community and business leaders to ask them whether they would like to be involved with 24-7, by supporting us with their skills, influence and/or resources (money or people!). This post is to ask whether you would support us in prayer for the event.
Here’s a few specifics. Please could you pray for:
- Helen Monkton – she’s project managing the whole event. Please pray that she can lead well, and that God would bless all her plans!
- That the right people would be there, and they would be encouraged and excited about what God is doing through 24-7.
- That there would be good relationships and communication with/between all the people involved in making the event happen.
- That Jesus would be given His place of honour and praise throughout the preparations, and the event itself.
Thanks, and God bless!