I’m sat writing this in the Downtown House of Prayer in Portland. There’s a worship and intersession time going on downstairs, and I’m sitting amongst many pictures of the nations in the map room, usually used for praying for the world. Its got the look and feel of many 24-7 Prayer rooms I’ve been in around the world in the past five years. It feels like home.
Couch surfin’
When we finally got to Bakersfield, a little later than intended (my usually impeccable timekeeping skills following me to the States), we hooked up with the wonderful Casey and Amy Johnson, and Doug Sala, along with some other friends from their church. They’re dreaming of a 24-7 Boiler Room in the downtown area, and the next day as we stood on the street praying over the building they would like God to release to them, nothing could have felt more natural.
Release your vision amongst them Lord!
Highway 1
I’ve always wanted to check out the coast from San Francisco to LA, and almost 15 years since I was first here, I got the chance.
The fabled Highway 1 winds its way from Downtown SF through Monterrey, snaking its way south past beautiful sandy beaches and ragged, storm battered cliffs. Pete, David and I almost became anesthetised to the beauty of the coastline as we were treated again and again to incredible vistas. What a treat to be able to take this route to visit friends in Bakersfield! I can remember a quiet moment, as I was alone, looking out over an unfamiliar ocean, and just saying ‘Thanks, God’.
Naughty Sounds
The Coolest Coffee House on Earth
OK, here I am in possibly the coolest coffee house on earth. Idaho’s Gods Green Earth, Jeff Buckley’s Grace, and The Pixies Bossanova are on shuffle on the stereo. This is just after I entered the place saying to Pete Greig that Idaho are my all time favourite band…
So, I made it! I’m here in the States, on holiday and currently staying with the Guistinos just outside San Francisco. More of that later…
This is just a quick post about a great movie I saw on the way over here. I managed to get onto a Virgin Airways flight, and I’m really glad I did – loads of leg room and choice of what movies I wanted to watch and when.
I was really pleased to find that the movie ‘Saved!’ was on offer…
On the boil again!
The good – no the fantastic – news, is that we have finally concluded our negotiations over the contract for the new Boiler Room here in Reading. I’m really looking forward to being able to live out our six Boiler Room values (Prayer, Creativity, Mission, Justice, Community, Pilgrimage) with the focus of a permanent place of prayer at its centre.
Open Source Beer!
In other developments this week, Trev, compiler of weird and wonderful Christmas music compilations (these-things.blogspot.com), shows how useful a bit of idle websurfing can be. I present you open source beer!
Wonderful idea…
Crazy nights (and days)
Weekends are for relaxing, right? Didn’t quite turn out that way this weekend!
After a quick trip back to the parents place in North Wiltshire on Saturday, I legged it from the quaint little Cotswold stone village of Ashton Keynes, to Ipswich, on the East coast.
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Lots of news on what I’m up to with 24-7, prayer pointers, and much more! Riveting reading 😉