Hmmm, a friend put me on to this. Not sure if I’m too happy about the outcome…
At least I didn’t come out as Saddam Hussein, as did another friend in 24-7!
Just surf on down to, and see how you fare!
Hmmm, a friend put me on to this. Not sure if I’m too happy about the outcome…
At least I didn’t come out as Saddam Hussein, as did another friend in 24-7!
Just surf on down to, and see how you fare!
It’s total bunk. I came out as Sadaam, Heather came out as Hitler, as did James Bullock. What a load of rubbish!
AND I came out as Easy Rider too… go figure.
oh and Carla came out as Mother Teresa… so there MUST be something wrong with the test… ;P
there are so many comments i could make right now…i think i may need to keep them all to myself.
Hey I’ve got to be the coolest I’m Che Guevara *You are the leaders pot smokers emulate. You have your own revolutionary arty style. Dying tragically on a mountain appeals to you*
does dying tragically on a mountain appeal to you?
No comment as to which leader I am! For the movie, I am supposedly Raiders of the Lost Ark as I live for Fortune and some other ‘mad’ stuff. Mad as a brush, I say. Enjoying your blogging, Pete.
not particularly sheena but I think it’s about being zany and wacky and stuff
good. i’d have to worry if it did. zany i can live with…i’m a bit wacky myself.
i just retook it and came out entirely different. platoon instead of mr smith goes to washiington, mother theresa instead of ghandi. either way i end up an aged crusader for humanity. maybe it’s a hint that i need to consider anti-wrinkle treatments.
I’m Abe lincoln…