The Boiler Room Rule

brcover.jpg This was a long time in the making, and I’ve finally decided to release it to an unsuspecting world – The Boiler Room Rule!
I felt that God was calling me to write a re-interpretation of the old monastic rules in late 2002, based on our experiences at the Reading Boiler Room, part of the 24-7 Prayer movement.

The idea was to read up on the old monastic rules (e.g. Rule of St. Benedict, Rule of St. Augustine etc.), see how other modern monastic communities were living out their vocation, mix all this together with the six Boiler Room values, and to see what came out the other end!
The result is far from perfect, but hopefully will provide a degree of insight and inspiration for those looking to either start a Boiler Room, or to live a lifestyle according to the Boiler Room values. Although the Rule is completed, there are many ways it can be improved upon, and I may work on it again in the future, God willing.
For now though, here it is – The Boiler Room Rule. Happy reading, I pray that God would inspire you through it.
UPDATE: The official 24-7 Prayer Boiler Room Rule/Customary can now be found in the resources section of the Boiler Rooms website. This version is the result of a year’s consultation within the 24-7 movement, involving people all over the world involved in planning or running Boiler Rooms. Although the vision of the document is slightly different to my original vision in the version presented here, I think Andy Freeman and the Boiler Rooms team have come up with a great document. Highly recommended reading!

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